Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Over a year now

For some odd reason I feel I should mention that all of the images I just posted for the B&W contest are part of a, I dunno, not really a project but an obsession that began some time ago. Some of these shots are more than a year old, others just a few days. When I started shooting abandoned homes I never would have imagined myself still shooting them a year later. I still find myself getting excited when I spy a new abandoned home and immediately start to plan when I can next get out there with my equipment. But I am feeling that Im nearing the end of my need to photograph them. Maybe it was the pack of dogs that chased Ryan and I into my car that one day or maybe its because I've shot all the images I care to shoot. I dont know, but I do think Im nearly done with the abandoned homes. Makes me feel kind of sad, like they'll somehow miss me. In reality, Im sure its the other way around. : )

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