Just a few more pix from yesterdays shooting trip. I didnt quite manage to show in digi the interesting layering affect I saw between the butte and the snow covered mountains as I was driving past them. Because of their great distance from me and from each other, they moved at different speeds to one another as I drove past and it was a really strange opitical illusion. It was like those cardboard waves on a stage moving back and forth in front of a cardboard boat. I had to get a snappy of it and in some ways you can see the layers but its a pitty they arent moving.

A sign. For some reason I had to get a pic of this. Saw it a week ago and had to come back and get a pic of it. It was the only pic I decided to NOT convert to b&w to post here, though I did convert it. I just think I like the color version much more.

Another bee home this. I dont even know what this place was. It was a tin shack with a huge piece of machinery inside. It was too dark inside to get the images I wanted so I just took this pic of a window. Those bullet holes on the side look pretty much like eyes I think.
Whoa freaky they do look like eyes. You should grab some led light and do a spooky series of eyes in haunted shacks.
That's weird, I could have sworn I left a comment on this post the last time I was here.....bizarre. I like the big vista the most--all that layering and texture. Really exemplifies the southern California desert. You caught it at a really great moment. And I know what you're talking about with those different layers moving at different speeds as you pass them. Technically it wasn't moving of course, you were, but it makes the landscape seem even more alive, that illusion, doesn't it?
And the graffiti on that cube of a building reminds me of things we passed so many times when we were kids. Just these strange little structures in the middle of nowhere.
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