Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Passion

Night time shots of trees. Good golly these things just came alive before my eyes. I cant wait to go out and get more pix! They all have their own personalities too. I see it now in processing but I didnt really see it when I was taking the pix but now that I know what to look for, I cant wait to go out and find new friends. I think this is really, really exciting.


JusaJus said...

I really like your last one, it looks like lightning.

Kelly said...

Ah, night shots. Gotta love em. You can really get pretty deeply into it too. I have, or had up until just a couple of months ago, been doing night shots of this great little old town near here called West Chester. Don't know what I like more either--film or digital, b&w or color.

It is such a different world that you can spend a lot of time really delving into it. You've got a great start going here too. I really like that stark nature of the trees against the black backgrounds.

Erin McGuire said...

Justin, that last one is my favorite too of the straight tree shots. I hadnt thought about it but you're right, it does look like lightening.

Erin McGuire said...

I would love to see your night shots Kelly. I know they must be amazing and nothing I can even imagine.

I went out wanting to shoot houses and lights and like old mechanics garage doors and stuff and wound up loving the trees. They have personalities and I can see this human quality in how some of their branches reach out to each other or to the sky or to the ground. There was a great place out in Lancaster that had a bunch of tree in a parking lot with lights. Im not sure I can find that place again but Im going to try because Im dying to go back and get some more shots.

Kelly said...

I guess mine are okay--nothing big. It was for a few different and fairly specific assignments, so none of them was totally about me or my own vision, but they were a lot of fun to shoot. I've really loved night photography and shooting in the deep woods for a couple of years now. Haven't really had the opportunity to do much of what I want to in regard to that stuff for several months though. I just love being out at night--as long as I feel safe, and Westchester feels pretty safe most of the time. I think that this desire to be out when everyone else is asleep goes back to childhood when we would sneak out while Mom and Dad were either asleep or just not around for some reason. Do you remember the time we went out at something like 5am and saw a little house-a Cape Cod style if memory serves--traveling down Crescent? It's the only time I've ever been witness to an actual, pre-existing house being moved from one place to another. It took up pretty much the entire width of the street. I just remember how it felt like another world out there--cool, quiet and safe. Probably a false sense of safety though in that I must have felt like NO ONE else was with us, but I don't feel so safe like that anywhere anymore. You just never know.

Dee said...

Those are the trees in my vision of me sitting in in my fairie dress with the moon! Can we go there?