The place was odd though. It was really strange to see three homes all abandoned in this way, and they are fairly recently abandoned, like in the last 5 years, and many of them still had furniture inside them. The ground around all of the homes was very strange. It was spongy, like foam. I couldnt tell if it was insulation or hay or both that we were walking on. At one point it was almost a mostly eaten dog that I was stepping on but instinct reminded me to look down right at that moment and I was able to avoid it.
All three homes had their own properties too. This wasnt one lot with three homes on it. It was 3 separate lots. How do three separate homes in one area get abandoned like that? Did everybody living there all have the same job? How could they all have been affected the same way? And are those same people still alive someplace? Do they care about these homes they left behind? How do homes get abandoned? I would think that at least the banks would care about them.
This was a group of three trees growing out in front of the small house that I liked.

This was the creepiest house of the three and the largest by far. It had furniture everywhere and tons of bees. At least these abandoned homes are providing a sancturary for bees because I havent seen bees for a few years at least.

The littlest house. And my favorite. This place had happy vibes. I really did want to rescue it.

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