I have so much to learn. I edited these photos last night right after the shoot and thought I was finished with them. I wasnt and Im still not. I fixed a few issues later but still have more stuff to fix.
I tend to get a little discouraged when I see these problems so late in the photographic process but then I get over it quickly enough because I see what I just learned.
What I have learned the most through this shoot is that I need to pay a lot more attention to the entire body and not just the places where the light looks the best. I also learned that poses in low light produce many blurred pictures, which is very upsetting. I also learned that while I like black hair on a black background, I really need to make sure I shoot black hair against a lighter background, preferrably gray.

Erin, these are stunning. In the first two, the expression on your friend's face looks serene (small images though, which are hard for my old eyes to read) which makes his action seem frozen and calm. The shapes of light on his torso are beautiful and engaging. Truly wonderful. But, I love the last three even more. The first and third of these definitely belong together, but the third is quite abstract. All very good. I like i and 3 for their slightly gritty beauty. They feel grittier because the quality of light shows imperfections. They feel real, but only in that photographic way. 2 is wonderful for it's abstract version of that same gritty photo reality.
Very beautiful. I'm proud of you!
oops, I mean that the second is quite abstract, not the third.
I would really like to see where you take this!
EEEE!!! Thank you so much Kelly! You have no idea how your words have made my whole year! I love these pics. I had no idea I would get any shots that I liked but here they are. I have so much work still to do when it comes to lighting. This shoot was about 90% guesswork, 10% actual knowledge as far as knowing what the light was going to do. I dont suppose I will ever get to 100% knowledge because photography is an art and you create it so things change all he time, but I hope to some day reverse those numbers.
Oh, and sorry about the small pic. I will have to resize that sucker and repost it. I still suck at the whole sizing thing.
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