These images were taken Saturday afternoon, the day after the snow. By the time I got home from kung fu, there was very little snow left and what was left was reduced to slushy puddles that had, in places, refrozen into wavy sheets. I grabbed some shots with my macro lenses for my Lensbaby and these are the result.
The first image is a false color image. I took the deep blues and made them more turquoise, upped the contrast and clarity, darkened the shadows and brightened the light areas.
On the second two images, I desaturated the colors and upped the contrast and clarity.

Erin these are wonderful and remind me so much of Minor White's abstracts. You might like to check them out. Not only is he one of history's greats, but he is also cofounder of Aperture Magazine. No longer what it once was, of course, but still a decent photo magazine. I think Barbara Morgan was also a cofounder, and I escorted one of her photographs down the auction aisle at the Photo Review benefit Auction last semester.
I love the way the one in the middle reminds me of a bird's eye. The one on top is lovely in an abstract way, including the color shift. The one on the bottom just has a really nice, simple structural quality to it, like a piece of marble. I like the fact that this are images of ice and snow--very ephemeral.
Gotto go shoot for another homework assignment. I'll be back later to take a look at the others you've posted since I was last here.
I just had to comment about a Minor White shot and how Stieglitz's (sp) idea of Equivalents applied to it. I have trouble with that idea. Anyway, the syllabus showed us lots of his pix. He was (is?) and amazing photographer. Love a lot of what I've seen so for you to say that some of my pix remind you of some of his, well, that is one heck of a compliment. Thank you so much!
I cant wait to see some new pix by you. I am dying to see more of your work!
I really like that first one. It almost looks like a clump of frog eggs.
I LOVE THESE!! Amazing photos Erin!
LOL! I never thought about that Justin, but you are so right!
Thank you so much Dee! They were so much fun to take. I had no idea melting snow could like like that.
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