Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Station Fire

For me, the smoke from the Station fires as it rose high into the sky and covered the Palmdale/Lancaster area in ashy darkness, was the most dramatic aspect of this fire. I have never before seen smoke so clearly defined as what I saw on Sunday, nor could I have ever guessed smoke could contain such color. It glowed red and purple and blue. For me, the smoke was alive, a giant monster that spread up and out until it consumed everything around me.

Take a moment to really look at these photos. In some you can see how tiny the mountains are compared to how enormous the pilars of smoke are. I've said it before in other posts but I cant help saying it again now, but it is just mind boggling to me to see this dramatic difference in size and then think about the tiny humans out there battling the blaze.

1 comment:

Erin McGuire said...

Thank you so much Olive Tree Guitar Ensemble! Nice to see you stopping by.