Friday, September 25, 2009

White Balance tests

This project started off as something completely different from how it ended up but I like these images anyway.
We had to purposefully choose different color casts by selecting the wrong WB for the lighting we were using. I chose to shoot fruit because I thought that the WB color casts could enhance the color of the fruit chosen for each color cast. The color casts are yellow, red, blue, white, cyan, green and magenta.
You know, fruit can look pretty vulgar up close sometimes. I really had to choose my angles carefully. : )


Dee said...

the raspberry looking ones are my favorite :)

Erin McGuire said...

They seem to be everybody's favorite at school too.

Kelly said...

I think raspberries were the first things I shot when I got my macro lens--great coincidence. I like them all as a group. They support one another very nicely. The colors and textures are really nice, and there's a soothing quality to them. So yeah, big difference from angry tomatoes confronting bottles of ketchup.