Here are some new shots taken with plastic cameras. A few are from my Holga and a few from disposable Kodak and Fuji cameras.
This image was taken with a Fuji disposable outdoor camera on color 35mm film. I just converted it. One of the nice things about these cameras is that they have no vignetting so I can crop the image, which is often necessary because of the minimum distance required for clear focus and the wide angle lens they use.
This is a shot of a new abandoned house I found last weekend.

The image below was taken at Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley, CA with the same Fuji camera. There were all these areas between the dunes where creosote grew and all that white stuff was hard packed, dried mud.

I believe the image below was taken with a Kodak Funsaver camera. It has a built in flash that you cant turn off so I just tape the flash. This shot was taken at Devils Punchbowl, CA.

I dont normally take shots of power lines but this one was so cluttered up with wire that I couldnt resist. Taken with my Holga using Ilford color film but I can remember if it was 160c or s.

Another shot taken with one of my Holgas. It too was taken with color film but I converted it to black and white for a class project and just prefer it this way.

Love, love. love the new shots, especially the Holga images. I'm such a sucker for anything that's unexpected. Where did you take that last image of the palm in the doorway? Do you have french doors in your place? Why don't I remember that if it's the case?
And what's wrong with shooting power lines with a toy camera? I based a whole assignment on that very thing...haha!
Actually, I think that's grass outside in the palm image. Can't be your place.
Its Keith and Susans place. Right on the golf course and a really wonderful place to visit. That was taken on their covered porch. I love that room.
I love your power pole shots. I love how the lines lead the eye all over the frame. I love crisscrossing power lines. I love how they divide the frame up. I think its safe to say that I love power pole shots completely. I just dont normally shoot them but I have been starting to though, lately. Not sure why.
Oh, and thank you for the compliments!!! I am so glad you like the images. The Holga shots are my favorites too, but Im working on trying to get better with the disposable cameras. Sometimes I get some real beauties. I love the blurry edges in the Death Valley shot.
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