This is a shot of a factory I found on my way to Death Valley. I used Kodak Portra 400 B&W film that I had processed at Target. They really scratch the hell out of the film so I had to do a ton of repairs on this. Other than that, and a little contrast adjustments, what you see is what the camera did.

This shot was taken at Calico ghost town in California using the same roll of Kodak Portra. I had to do the same repairs to this image as well.

This shot was also taken at Calico with the same roll of Kodak Portra.

Again, Calico ghost town, same roll of Kodak Portra. And as an embarrassing side note, as I was walking in to Calico, a running race was just finishing up right at the entrance to the town. Much of where I needed to walk was blocked by people standing around so I just sort of wound my way around them to the street. As I was walking, a runner came right at me. I dodged out of her way and said sorry because I realized I had walked right through their finish line. Duh! It was all marked off with orange cones and everything. I just never saw them! HAHAHAHA!

Ok, all the shots below are of the same abandoned house. I believe that I shot all of these using plain old Kodak Professional BW400CN. Ok, just found the box so I know it was that film. : )

There is a very interesting thing going on with the trees here, especially with this shot. Maybe its just a coincidence, but the upper branches are in a kind of halo of clouds and light. Some of that is due to the clouds behind the tree, but not all of it. Its almost as if the little insert the mfr put in the camera to add the black corners is behaving strangely, or something like that. Not quite sure but I really like the effect. Looks like a painting.

I love what's going on with the vignetting. Very beautiful photos!
I love what you're getting with the new camera! I think the factory is my favorite here. It seems like part of a larger story of a place on a map--a small town with an interesting story hidden there that needs to be told.
Thank you so much Dee! The vignetting is one of my favorite parts. : )
Thank you so much Kelly! The factory image turned out to be my favorite too. I wish I'd gotten more shots. I just might have to go back and do that.
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