Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holga film scans 2

These are the black and white and C41 Holga scans. The C41 is very interesting. I like the cyan and magenta colors and find that they could work very well for specific scenarios. Believe it or not, all of these shots were taken at the same abandoned house. As far as light goes, the last shot is my favorite. I have never seen anything I have shot before capture the beauty of the late afternoon light like the Holga did in that shot. Im talking about the fireplace shot. I honestly didnt know I could capture light like that.

And with this first shot, I am not at all sure why it came out so posterized. I love the shot and am going to keep it but if I were to ever print it, I'd have to do something about that posterization. I dont even know if thats a legitimate word but its a word that my PS teacher used a lot.

Ok, these are the color Holga shots. The first shot was taken at night on a full moon. Its a really long exposure and I bet there is reciprocity failure but I have no idea what it looks like so if anybody can tell me if they see, please do.

The second shot is Ryan midday looking out to the back of the house and the third shot is a double exposure taken out front.


Kelly said...

Love 'em! The chair looks great!! Is this a reshoot? I remember the last one being cropped. The holga looks like it's going to be a fabulous tool for getting a really old photography look out there in the desert. As for the full moon shot--totally gorgeous, and I love the fact that it looks almost like day. Something about it is off in that regard, which is fabulous. When you see the town lights on the horizon, you kind of know it's a night shot. Really cool and very nicely done! You wouldn't actually see reciprocity failure. It's simply a term for the film not responding to light at the outer realms of exposure. It concerns the need for photographers to know that they need to allow more time for an exposure when it's going to be longer than a second or so--different for each film/film type. Color is less likely to suffer reciprocity failure than B&W. Is this what you were referring to?

Erin McGuire said...

Yes, thats exactly what I was referring to. Thank you so much! And thank you for the compliments on the pix. I freaking love the Holga, though it does stress me out some. I worry about wasting money and taking terrible shots. LOL! I really like these color shots this time but there were a few that I really didnt like at all. The color film is really strange for me because the day shots really arent my favorite. I think I need to try to find some 100 color film but so far havent seen any anywhere. And that C41 b&w film is really freaking cool. It gets magenta-ish in the darker parts of the shot and cyan-ish in the lighter parts. Oh yeah, and the chair is a reshoot. I shot it with the cable release and the tripod on the C41 film. I might even go back and shoot it again with standard b&w. The other was cropped and too dark.

Dee said...

i love the one of ryan and the double exposure. heck i like them all as single images. your doing so well! i love it!

Erin McGuire said...

Thank you so much Dee! I cant wait to try out the new film. I need to send off what I have now though. I think. I dont know. I might wait until I shoot the new rolls. Then I'll have 6 rolls to send in at one time. I dont recall what I took on the first 4 rolls though. Getting too old to remember anything that happened more than a few days in the past. LOL!