With this one, I forgot that we arent allowed to use guns or knives so I would have to retake it but there is still something about it I dont like. Maybe its too dark or the door frame is lit on the wrong side. Maybe I need to put the light right behind him. I do like the motion on the right side and do like that there is some light on his face, but still, the image as whole doesnt work for me.

For this one, I think the doorway is too light and I dont like that its just his head but I do like how scary the face looks. Perhaps I need to turn the light down a bit, use one of the cool lights instead of the hallogen. And maybe I need to get more of his torso in the shot.

And this one, this one I love the idea and I like the movement I got with the doll and how there is even movement of the shadow. I did all that with the Lensbaby. But still, something is lacking. I want to use this image but I really cannot figure out what it is that is wrong with this image. I think its something to do with the light but I really cant figure out what it is. Maybe all it is, is the position of the shadow. If the beast were really coming at her from the direction of the light source, the shadow would look different. Maybe thats all thats wrong with this. Not sure.

Woman, you are insane. I think these are awesome! They are vague, and sometimes, when that is the case with a work of art, you can simply attach a word to it, and it suddenly has context. What that context is, depends on the individual viewing the work. I can't say that I have any idea what you're talking about when you say "doll" or "beast" or "coming at her" (might have misquoted that last one) because I see none of those things--no doll, no beast, just vague hints at things, most of which are borne out of my responses to the slightly less vague images preceding that one. Those images lend a context to the last one by mere proximity. I see darkness, dark characters, a very disturbing situation that I'm struggling to decipher....I feel the men are oppressors. They seem to move slowly through the spaces. I, the victim, am unable to see my surroundings. Everything is foggy--I have no control at all. I feel danger. Even if the title, "Fear" weren't attached to these, I would still feel very uneasy with what I'm seeing. Any dark character like that is going to make us feel that way--movies, I guess. I don't think there is anything wrong with the light. I think that the way the figures are moving out of it makes the images stronger and not contrived. They feel like they are coming at me rather than feeling as though they are standing in some light for effect. I honestly do not see anything recognizable in the last one. It's a very strong image though, when tied to the others and the title itself. Simply hanging a name on something can in itself create a mood. You could have an image of a little doll sitting sweetly in it's little cradle, take on a whole new feeling by simply hanging that label, "Fear", on it. You might need to be prepared to explain how this means fear, but I think that would again come down to the series itself.
I'm rambling now. I think they're great, but I may also be seeing them from a vantage point which you weren't considering when you were making them.
BTW, I also watch a lot of paranormal shows on TV, so this no doubt has an impact on how I feel about the images--in fact, in my procrastination today, I'm watching some back-to-back "Ghost Hunters" shows. haha
I really think you shouldn't change the light. You've avoided the expected here, and I find that to be a real strength. I really love these!
Kelly, thank you so much again. I swear, I dont know what I would do without your incredible feedback on my images. You have again, very succinctly put into words, what I was feeling when I took the shots but wasnt at all clear on how to express in words. The shots of the men in the doorway are born of my fear of waking to find a man, a stranger, standing at the doorway or by the side of my bed, and upon finding me awake, lunging at me. And you know how it is when you are awoken unexpectedly sometimes and cannot move. So you feeling like everything is in slow motion means that I got that point across as well and I had no idea I was intentionally doing it because I couldnt put it into words. I just knew in my head what it would look like if it were to actually happen and tried to create that in the images. I dont know if you are seeing them from a vantage point other than what was intended when I took the shots, but Im going to go with one of these and just see what the teacher says. I would love to combine his feedback with yours.
Ghost Hunters scares the freaking crap outta me! I watched one where they were in this light house and you can see this freaking person moving very rapidly around at the top and even look over the banister. Goodness, I have goosebumps now. How can you watch those shows being in such an old house? LOL! Talk about insane!
I haven't read any of the comments, but I was staring at the photos before even reading what you wrote... and they did instill fear into me. You do know what you are doing, even if you don't know it!
Thank you so much Diana! That really means a lot to me. I really need to stop doubting myself and do my best with what I know and let everything just play out like it will. No matter what happens, I will learn so its all good, right?
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