Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This is a collection of images taken in and around my home. I've been trying to capture the little places around my home where the light reaches in and wakes things up in a special way, but I just havent been able to do it, until now.

I got my Pentax working and when I combine it with some other lenses, well, I got what I was looking for.

Starting off this set with Spencer the rat dog. His image was taken with just the Pentax but all the others were combos of lenses.


Kelly said...

Looks like you were having a lot of fun shooting these! The color has a nice vintagy feel to it too. I think playing around with new lenses and getting a good feel for different gear and how it all works with the light is excellent practice. Tools--you can never have too many of them!

You have any ideas for what your next project will be and how you might shoot it?

Kelly said...

Forgot to say that the yellow room and the dark curtain are my favorites. There is some nice mystery in those and they feel like some sort of narrative may be going on.