I have also used the Holga telephone lens on at least one of the shots. I really must keep a journal so I will remember what lens was used on what shot. I never want to deal with the hassle of it and so keep telling myself I'll just remember this time. I never do! LOL! Time to bite the bullet and keep a damned journal.
Oh yeah, and I probably should talk a little bit about the meaning behind the title of the post. Most of these shots are framed really close to what I was hoping for. I discovered that very little correction is needed to line the lens up with what I saw in the viewfinder with these 135 cameras. Before I was way overcompensating for the difference and shooting way too high, if shooting landscape, or too far right if shooting portrait. I think I have a handle on that now.
And another oh yeah, post script. The second image down is the only image that I used the tele lens on. At least I think so. I know for a fact I used it on that shot but cant recall if I used it on any of the other shots. And my favorite shot of the bunch is the one just below.

First things first--haha, you said "telephone lens". Wonder how many times I've done that but no one was rude enough to point it out to me....
Second, I love these. And the second is probably my favorite. I like what the light does with the lens, creating all of the softness with points and lines of focus with the palms in the top one, but the architecture and color of that aloe (?) are just so outrageous, that it looks almost like a character or monster of some kind. There is just enough blur to make the scene sort of surreal. Nice stuff.
I've been misspelling shit all day. I wrote Gargen of Light for the top image when I posted it to Flickr. LOL! My head is in the clouds or something.
Thank you for checking these out and Im glad you like them. I think I told you that Im really liking the telephoto lens a lot. Or wait, is that telephone lens? BAHAHAHA! I think I'll leave it.
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