Friday, October 2, 2009


Latest assignment pix. We were told to do 3 treatments of the same theme. I chose mans desire to fly and how he might try to achieve flight through childish or fanciful means.

I love these images. I feel so much emotion when viewing them. Im not sure I can say the same for any other image I have created to date.


Dee said...

These are really good!!! Favorites already!

Kelly said...

I love these too, and I think they just might be your best to date. The one with him and the balloons is beyond fabulous. It's dream-like and other worldly. They do have a very uplifting feel to them--very reminiscent of childhood or someone trying to hang on to it (or his....?)

Erin McGuire said...

Thank you so much Dee!

Thank you so much Kelly!

I am in love with these images and am going to print and frame them and hang them on the wall by the table in the back room.

I rented a helium tank for the project. I have to return it tomorrow but I think I want to get more balloons first and see what other pix I can get. I barely used any of the helium.