Here you go Kelly. Curious what you think about these. Im not really happy with any of them. I mean, they are ok but there is something missing in each I think but I cant put my finger on what.
With this one, I forgot that we arent allowed to use guns or knives so I would have to retake it but there is still something about it I dont like. Maybe its too dark or the door frame is lit on the wrong side. Maybe I need to put the light right behind him. I do like the motion on the right side and do like that there is some light on his face, but still, the image as whole doesnt work for me.

For this one, I think the doorway is too light and I dont like that its just his head but I do like how scary the face looks. Perhaps I need to turn the light down a bit, use one of the cool lights instead of the hallogen. And maybe I need to get more of his torso in the shot.

And this one, this one I love the idea and I like the movement I got with the doll and how there is even movement of the shadow. I did all that with the Lensbaby. But still, something is lacking. I want to use this image but I really cannot figure out what it is that is wrong with this image. I think its something to do with the light but I really cant figure out what it is. Maybe all it is, is the position of the shadow. If the beast were really coming at her from the direction of the light source, the shadow would look different. Maybe thats all thats wrong with this. Not sure.