Thursday, July 23, 2009

More Found Objects

A few recently found objects. It feels strange to me to discover that leaving the color in the shot can put the point across better than removing it. And yet, sometimes color is a total distraction from the point of the image. I guess what is strange about this discovery is that I made in regards to abandoned homes and found objects. By removing the distraction of color, all that is left is the object itself and what condition it's in. But I have recently discovered that color adds to that condition in some cases. Not all. Not even in most, but definitely in some. As in the case of the green chair and the doll in this new post. The faded green of the chair speaks volumes to me when compared to green vegetation behind it. Usually desert greenery is faded in comparison to man materials. And the flesh tones in the face and arm of the doll add a realism to that image that makes it seem all the more gruesome. But in the rest of the shots, the color distracted my thought away from the lines and textures and depth.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New Series 2nd set

Ok, there are more but I think I'll leave it at this for now.

New Series 1st set

Im focusing my energy on abstracts for now, though I havent stopped shooting abandoned homes or landscapes. I just want to really investigate how far I can go with these abstracts. I tend to go for the slightly, or completely blurry, macro shots or close up shots of decaying walls, but I really enjoy some of the abstract images Im seeing on other photog websites. Not sure I'll try that path or not. For now, Im sticking with the macros and close ups.

Here are a few of my macros. And I think I'll post them here untitled and let you all figure out what they are to you.